How cute is that?
We did tons of fun Thanksgiving activities today! We did the activities that I talked about in my last post. We also wrote down things we were thankful for on pieces of paper and baked them into rolls. Then we got to eat the rolls and read the thankful for pieces of paper. During writing time we decorated and wrote thank you cards to people. We wrote Our names at the top of pieces of paper and everybody in the class wrote why they were thankful for us : ) We played a fun math game where the students had pieces of paper with letters that spelled THANKFUL on one side and numbers on the other. They were in partnerships and started with the number side up. Each student had a dice that they rolled, they added their two dice together if the sum was one of the numbers they got to turn that number over. The team that flipped the whole word over first won! They loved it!
Thanksgiving in second grade is great, but boy am I tired! One more day, then Thanksgiving break! So excited!
A happy,
Miss Paul
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