Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer Reading Incentive

This year I have been an intern at my school which means that the past couple of months have involved a lot of resume writing and applying for jobs. Last minute a spot opened up at my school in Second grade (which is where I am this year). I interviewed and today my principal offered me the job! I am SO EXCITED to be staying at my school and to get to teach second grade again next year! On another note,wouldn't it be nice if every good little boy and girl went off for summer vacation and read every day? It would be nice, but it is hardly a reality. A week or so ago I came up with the idea of a summer reading incentive for my current students. The Olympics coming up this summer gave me a little inspiration. I titled the program "Go for the Gold". I made up a chart where students can bubble in a circle for every 20 minutes they read. At 500 minutes they reach bronze, at 1000 minutes they reach silver, and at 1500 minutes (25 hours) they reach gold. If students fill out their chart over the summer and have it signed by a parent they can bring it back to me at the beginning of next school year and get their corresponding prize. The prizes will be simple and inexpensive, but incentive to read none the less. I think my kids will be excited about it, I know I am! Here is what my chart looks like:
I would be happy to e-mail it to anyone interested in having a copy : )


  1. Cute chart! And congratulations again on the job. :D

  2. You have a job! Woohooooo! Congratulations :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. Replies
    1. Same. I'd love to have a copy emailed... How can we do that? Great chart!

  4. I love the chart, anyway I can get it emailed without posting my email on the comment area?

  5. I added an "e-mail me" button to my blog. E-mail me and I can e-mail you back with the document attached : )

  6. I presently use a "Gold for the Gold" themed reading incentive in my 4th grade classroom. This chart would be a nice supplement to that. I would be very grateful if you would email it to me. laurad@stalbans.org

    Thank you!

  7. PLEASE may I have a copy of your chart!!!! jamie.misch@nwcs.k12.in.us.

    Thank you!

  8. Could I get an copy of your summer reading chart? stephanie.womble@dcsms.org

    Thank you!

    1. Could I also get a copy of your summer reading chart? lisa.zeltins@redmondschools.org


  9. Could you please email me a copy of your summer reading chart? lynette.leonard@lposd.org

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