Tis the season for crushes!
It is very hard not to laugh when a seven year old comes up to you and says "Miss Paul, I don't know how it happened it just did" I replied with "What happened?" t which she said "I have a crush on Andrew!". Oh my, the difficult love life of a seven year old. I guess it is working out for her though because he wrote her a love note and when one of the other kids asked him why he said "I just love her and I don't want to loose her." Guess we are going to have to have a talk about how just being friends is perfect when you are in second grade."
Tis the season for spending hours on pinterest looking for holiday teaching ideas!Some of the ideas:
Sequencing - Make a reindeer by tracing a foot and two hands then add eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Have the kids write down the process step by step as they do the project.
Comparing and Contrasting Literature - I made a huge snowman out of paper. On each part of the snowman body I will put a picture of a snowman book. We will read the three books and write about each one on the snowman including the similarities and differences between them.
Read the book: Santa Stuck and then do a writing activity on what you would do if Santa got stuck in your chimney.
Make Grinch faces with huge smiles! In the smile write about what you would do to make the Grinch grin : ) You can make puffy paint by mixing shaving cream and elmers glue for the rim of the hat : )
Reindeer puzzle ornaments!
Christmas around the world!
Holiday Read Alouds!I wrapped up Holiday books and I choose one student to unwrap one at read aloud time each day - they LOVE it! Someday I think I will do this with my kids. That is when I have kids : )
(I will post pictures when I have them)
Tis the season to watch cheesy Christmas movies on T.V. while lesson planning! Yes!
Tis the season for hot chocolate for breakfast early every morning : )
Tis the season for Miss Paul to get a break?
I think that one is going to have to wait until December 22nd.
Happy Holidays!
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