We are starting some basic multiplication concepts in math this next week. After looking through a PowerPoint and practicing seeing "groups of",and understanding how multiplication works a little bit we will do this activity to go along with the saying "I see how multiplication works!". We're making multiplication monsters! Each student will get three monsters with no eyes. Student will have to decide how many eyes to put on their monsters. They must put the same number on each monster (equal groups). After putting the eyes on they will fill in a paper to help them understand the different ways we can look at multiplication.
Here is a picture of what a final product will look like:
If you want to use this activity you can download the monster here and the writting portion here
You can extend the activity by having students tell you the repeated addition problem or multipliction problem for how many horns,tails, spots etc. there are!
Have fun!
I knew you'd be at work today! These are soooo cute. I'm using them next week too!
ReplyDeleteHaha, you know me too well! I'm glad that you like them. I love it when I can share ideas with other people : )
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